University St. „Kiril i Metodij“ Skopje, Macedonia
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of

University Goce Delčev Štip, Macedonia
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of


After the economic crisis of 2008, the degree of economic and environmental impact has increased. Challenges encountered by enterprises ranges from fulfilling the legal obligations of integral prevention and pollution control to the adaptation of the environmental management system in order to successfully apply the ISO 14001 standard. Companies face problems arising from soil pollution, climate change and legislation. Companies must take into account the successful management of sustainable development and social responsibility. To date, the basic responsibility of the company is to create profits for the owners of the company. However, including "social aspects", it emphasizes the participation of other stakeholders. The subject of research in this paper focuses on realizing the situation in terms of company's readiness to fulfill legal obligations for integrated pollution prevention and the application of appropriate environmental management standards. The main objective of this paper is to indicate the opportunities that companies have in favor of effective environmental management through cost reduction and cost savings achieved through efficient waste and energy recycling initiatives. Considering the fact that waste management is inappropriate, it can cause numerous consequences for the population and the environment, work for the welfare of the public, management and employees in enterprises, academic researchers and the general public is expected. The contribution of this paper is to expand the literature in this field and to the need to implement an appropriate management concept for integrated environmental management and prevention in order to successfully manage sustainable development.


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